Every online class during the SCLA eight-week workshop is recorded in HD and made available exclusively to enrolled students as a tool to rewatch the demos in higher definition than the live Zoom feed, review the keynote content, and revisit the Q&As. Now students who were not enrolled in the live class can also access these videos and get the full SCLA online workshop experience including one-on-one sessions.

Below is a small sample of the SCLA online experience including some segments from the Level 1 Keynote Notes on Painted Sketches (video directly below), and further down the page you can watch four weeks of sketch demos condensed to about 30 minutes. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Thanks & looking forward to working with you!



  • SCLA Level 1 & 2

Currently the class recordings are only being offered as a ‘stacked session’, meaning both levels are included in one package and are no longer offered as separate purchases. Level 1 introduces the sketching mindset, the technical foundations we consider in sketches, and the process of using a limited palette to block in and a full palette to finish. Level 2 introduces the process of turning one the sketches we made in Level 1 into a larger studio painting. It really is one class and will taught as such in future online and in person sessions.

  • Choose one-on-one check-in sessions or no check-ins

One of the best parts of this course is that in addition to the 2 hour weekly live class, students receive 4 one-on-one weekly 30-minute zoom meetings where we discuss their individual questions while I use photoshop to virtually paint on their paintings. This process offers amazing insight and direction and has become a highlight of the course. It also provides a connection that feels so much like in-person classes because it’s just the two of us discussing your work.  When you purchase access to the recorded classes, you’ll also have the option to include four 30-minute weekly one-on-one sessions making your experience the same as the live class experience! And you get to record and keep your one-on-one sessions so you can work from the notes and photoshopped paintings as reference. However, if you feel you’re not ready for one-on-one check ins, you can opt out by choosing the ‘no check in’ option. 

  • *Important to note that you are purchasing access to the classes, *not outright purchasing videos to keep forever*

    I’ve gone back and forth with offering these recordings for sale as outright purchases and I’ve come to the conclusion that while I am proud of these classes and recordings, they are still growing and becoming more and more informed with each experience, and because of that consistent growth in every new session, I am not at this time ready to release them as  definitive ‘instructional videos’. Instead I am more aligned with the idea of providing students who missed the last live classes with an opportunity to experience them AND make the one-on-one feature available to them. This will give you a timeline and a mindset of being *in* a class with weekly accountability of the check-ins experience. 

    Then we can connect. We can truly work on your work together. We can set goals, diagnose your paintings, make improvements, discuss your questions and address the individual issues in your process. All of that leads to you gaining practical, useful, working knowledge for your painting practice to grow from. 

  • The students in the live classes get access to the recordings for the duration of the four-week class plus an extra two weeks.  BUT…if you purchase access to these recordings, you’ll have 16 WEEKS to not only watch and rewatch as many times as you’d like but to also schedule your one-on-one check ins. 

    The recordings will always be from the latest sessions—meaning there will only ever be two months of class recordings available. When the new sessions are recorded, they will replace the older ones. So, if you want to take the latest class, it’s only available until the new classes are recorded and uploaded. For example, the classes listed right now are from Winter 2022, the latest SCLA sessions. Once the spring classes are recorded and uploaded, the winter classes will no longer be available. 

Time lapse video of a block-in using indigo blue. This is from an SCLA Level 2 class where we develop a sketch from SCLA Level 1 into a larger studio painting.


Once you purchase your access to recordings, you’ll be sent a password that will allow you to enter the page on my website that houses the recordings. That password will expire exactly 16 weeks after the purchase date. I ask that you please not share this link or password with anyone. They are offered to you as part of your tuition and just as someone couldn’t walk into an in-person class at my studio without registering and paying tuition first, someone shouldn’t be able to watch my online classes without the same rules and considerations for my business and livelihood. Any type of recording, distribution, posting, or embedding is strictly prohibited and your purchase is your agreement to those terms. 

*All purchases of online recordings are non refundable. Thank you.

*Important note: this is not a Zoom recording. It’s a much higher quality than any zoom recording. What you’ll be watching is an HD recording of the class content from live streaming software. There are multiple camera angles, overlays of all the keynote content, filmed clips, and much more. That said, all classes are unedited, meaning there are moments of imperfections such as zoom ‘doorbells’, a few audio mishaps, and whatever else happens in real time during class. None of those issues makes the experience any less useful. 

The tech gets better and better with every session and I’m looking forward to introducing some new features in the upcoming live classes. Also important is that in an effort to respect student’s privacy, I do not include the zoom video in the HD recordings so you won’t see any of the student’s faces but you’ll hear their questions and comments. The last class features a group critique where students are only referred to by their first names and last initials. 

Once you sign up you’ll be sent a link and password and can start watching immediately. And if you signed up for check-ins, you can schedule those right away.  

Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 1.30.17 PM.png
from $400.00

Every online class during the SCLA eight-week workshop is recorded in HD and made available exclusively to enrolled students as a tool to review the keynote content, rewatch the demos in HD, and revisit the Q&As. Now students who were not enrolled in the live class can also access these videos and get the full SCLA online workshop experience including one-on-one sessions.


  • access to recordings from the latest SCLA class for 16 weeks

  • option to add 8 weekly one-on-one sessions

  • access to SCLA keynotes pages

  • lifetime membership in the SCLA Collective FB group

  • an invitation to join the SCLA Crit Collective (launching in Fall 2021)


Once you purchase your access to recordings, you’ll be sent a password that will allow you to enter the page on my website that houses the recordings. That password will expire exactly 16 weeks after the purchase date. I ask that you please not share this link or password with anyone. They are offered to you as part of your tuition and just as someone couldn’t walk into an in-person class at my studio without registering and paying tuition first, someone shouldn’t be able to watch my online classes without the same rules and considerations for my business and livelihood. Any type of recording, distribution, posting, or embedding is strictly prohibited and your purchase is your agreement to those terms.

*All purchases of online recordings are non refundable. Thank you.